EXPERT GUIDANCE - Park prirode Žumberak – Samoborsko gorje


For organized expert guidance on educational trails in the Nature Park, contact us at e-mail or at the phone number 01/3327 659.

Hillfort at the educational trail The Trail of the Princes; Photo: Kristijan Solenički


Length 2.5 km
Tour time 1 h
The possibility of visiting an independent tour is possible throughout the year
Guided tour: with prior announcement

The old town of Okić is in front of you. If you want to get to know him better before you visit him, check if you have an hour, three thousand steps in your feet and half a liter of water for refreshment. If you have all that – the educational trail Okićnica is waiting for you. The circular path that starts and ends here will lead around Okić. After crossing 2.5 km on a mostly flat and undemanding path for mountaineers, you will discover what has always attracted people to visit the steep Okić. When you return to that place, you will know what predetermined today’s form of Okić, what its strategic importance is and how people experienced, valued and used it through historical changes. And then, when you start climbing towards the Old Town of Okić, you will already feel like you are going to visit an old acquaintance.



Length 4.2 km
Tour time 2 h
The possibility of visiting an independent tour is possible throughout the year
Guided tour: with prior announcement

If you go for a walk along the “Trail of the Princes”, you will find yourself on the way through the rich past of Budinjak, in the landscape that people have created and maintained for thousands of years, living in harmony with nature.
You can’t get lost – the route of the trail that starts in front of the Eco-center Budinjak is marked by wooden poles with signs with information about the direction of movement and points on the trail. You will recognize two different archeological sites located in the Archaeological Park, the one from the Early Iron Age in Budinjak and the other from the Roman era in Bratelji, by the interpretive panels placed at their entrance.



Length 2 km
Tour time 1 h
The possibility of visiting an independent tour is possible throughout the year
Guided tour: with prior announcement

If you decide to take a pleasant walk through Vivodina, and you want to learn something, our educational trail “Where the fruit ripens” is suitable for that. We placed it here, on the gentle slopes facing south where people have been growing fruit for a long time. It can be reached from Ozalj or Krašić. It is located in Lović Prekriški, a small village above Vivodina. You will visit ten educational panels where the story of how an orchard is not just a place where a person grows fruit for his food is told. Of course this is its purpose, but a number of small animals find their home here. With the extinction of the village, orchards, vineyards, grasslands and all their inhabitants disappear. From one of the points of our trail there is a beautiful view of forests, vineyards, orchards, lawns, and the writer Davorin Trstenjak talks about the beauty of the views from all sides from Lović: Whoever was not on Lović Prekriški, did not see the beauty of Croatia.



Length 800 m
Tour time 45 min
The possibility of visiting an independent tour is possible throughout the year
Guided tour: with prior announcement

You’ve probably turned on the tap a few times today to take a sip of water or to wash your hands. A century or two back for that you would probably have to head to the nearest spring, stream, river or pond. The educational trail “Springs of Life” is located in the area on the far northern border of the karst relief in Croatia. In the entire area from Savudrija and Prevlaka to here, the existence of water on the surface is a rarity and therefore a great wealth. If you want to find out how our ancestors took care of this wealth – their “springs of life”, why ponds and springs are neglected today and what is their importance for preserving biodiversity, visit a small karst bay in the village of Dane, ten minutes drive from Eco – center Budinjak. You can’t go astray – the route of the trail is marked with wooden poles with information boards about the direction of movement and points on the trail.

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